From the Yung Society Canberra

From the Yung Society Canberra

From the Yung Society Canberra

” I was fortunate to hear Valerie’s presentation to the Canberra Jung Society on the very intriguing subject of Carl Jung and the concept of synchronicity. Valerie is a thoughtful investigator of Jungian notions and related concerns about knowledge of the inner self. Her presentation helped locate some of Jung’s key concepts within a wider context and opened up new possibilities for approaching Jung’s work. Her presentation invited the audience to share their experiences and be actively involved in the subject. Valerie is an explorer of spirituality, healing and of how we might better live today.”

And how fortunate am I to have received this testimonial. Thank you Jeff Woodgate.

By | 2018-02-14T23:53:35+11:00 July 31st, 2017|Blog|0 Comments